Neighborhood FAQs

Covenants (and Restrictions) outline the requirements and limitations of what you can do with your property. The goal of covenants is to protect, preserve and enhance property values. Bylaws govern how an organization (i.e., ACA) operates.

Pedestrians should walk on the left, facing traffic. The State statutes (SC 56-5-420,  SC 56-5-430, and 56-5-3160) state:

(a) Where a sidewalk is provided and its use is practicable, it shall be unlawful for any pedestrian to walk along and upon an adjacent roadway.

(b) Where a sidewalk is not available any pedestrian walking along and upon a highway shall walk only on a shoulder as far as practicable from the edge of the roadway.

(c) Where neither a sidewalk nor a shoulder is available, any pedestrian walking along and upon a roadway shall walk as near as practicable to an outside edge of the roadway and, if on a two-way roadway, shall walk only on the left side of the roadway.

(d) Except as otherwise provided in this chapter, any pedestrian upon a roadway shall yield the right-of-way to all vehicles upon the roadway.

HISTORY: 1962 Code Section 46-436; 1952 Code Section 46-436; 1949 (46) 466; 1965 (54) 692; 1971 (57) 296; 1977 Act No. 145 Section 4.

Unlike pedestrians who should walk on the left, facing traffic, cyclists should ride on the right, traveling with traffic.

No. The easement is for utility personnel, law enforcement, emergency, medical and fire only.

No. A property owner has no legal basis in South Carolina State law to trim a neighbor’s tree(s) that overhang your property unless permission is granted by the neighbor. Law states:

SECTION 16-11-520. Malicious injury to tree, house, outside fence, or fixture; trespass upon real property.

(a) It is unlawful for a person to willfully and maliciously cut, mutilate, deface, or otherwise injure a tree, house, outside fence, or fixture of another or commit any other trespass upon real property of another.

(b) A person who violates the provisions of this section is guilty of a:

(1) felony and, upon conviction, must be fined in the discretion of the court or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both, if the injury to the property or the property loss is worth ten thousand dollars or more;

(2) felony and, upon conviction, must be fined in the discretion of the court or imprisoned not more than five years, or both, if the injury to the property or the property loss is worth more than two thousand dollars but less than ten thousand dollars;

(3) misdemeanor triable in magistrates court or municipal court, notwithstanding the provisions of Sections 22-3-540, 22-3-545, 22-3-550, and 14-25-65, if the injury to the property or the property loss is worth two thousand dollars or less. Upon conviction, the person must be fined not more than one thousand dollars, or imprisoned not more than thirty days, or both.

HISTORY: 1962 Code Section 16-382; 1952 Code Section 16-382; 1942 Code Section 1184; 1932 Code Section 1184; Cr. C. ’22 Section 74; Cr. C. ’12 Section 223; Cr. C. ’02 Section 171; G. S. 2501; R. S. 166; 1857 (12) 605; 1892 (21) 93; 1893 (21) 411; 1894 (21) 824; 1935 (39) 262; 1964 (53) 1724; 1981 Act No. 76, Section 2; 1993 Act No. 171, Section 4; 1993 Act No. 184, Section 105; 1998 Act No. 272, Section 2; 2010 Act No. 273, Section 16.B, eff June 2, 2010.

Dorchester County maintains ditches and storm drain systems that have flow issues. Sawpit Creek is under the jurisdiction of the Army Corp of Engineers.

Maintenance of ditches for aesthetics and/or trash is the responsibility of the neighborhood.

See our “Reporting Issues” page for more.

After Sawpit Creek was walked from Archdale Forest to the Dorchester/Charleston County line, a report was filed by the ACA with Dorchester County.

That report, while acknowledging the benefits of a bigger box culvert for Archdale Forest, pointed out numerous obstructions in the creek that should be cleared to allow the creek to flow better. Dorchester County has yet to respond to the report.

A civil engineer who resides in Archdale went to the public works office to speak with Kacy Byrd about the Sawpit Creek project, review the county report, and verify some information. She said it was a great meeting. And it does look good for the vast majority of Archdale residents, with the potential floodplain around the creek decreasing significantly. The ACA has some hard copy maps that we will keep for the record.

However, the update is that this project is currently on hold. The owner of the parcel off Parkshire is not approving of the plan. There is some work that needs to be done in the easement between their property and the project, and the owner is currently not signing off on it. As of today, this project is a “no go” until something gets worked out.

3 Easy Ways to Report a Litterbug:  https://www.palmettopride.org/litterbugbuster/

  1. Call 1-877-754-8837:
    Call, report the location, time and the litterbug’s license number. We have a 24/7 answering service to take our Hotline calls in an effort to make sure that the lines are always open.
  2. Download the App:

    This user friendly reporting application Download the App:will prompt you for the information you need provide: location, make and color of vehicle, and more importantly, the license plate information.



Archdale Civic Association FAQs

The ACA (Archdale Civic Association, Inc.) is a voluntary non-profit membership organization for the Archdale community dedicated to the maintenance and beautification of public spaces, addressing community concerns, and strengthening our sense of community.

No, the ACA is not an HOA. It is a voluntary membership non-profit organization with no mandatory assessments, liens or enforcement actions.

An HOA is an organization for its subdivision or planned community that makes and enforces rules for the properties and its residents. Those who purchase property within an HOA’s jurisdiction automatically become members and are required to pay dues, known as HOA fees.

A civic association is a voluntary membership organization that may also have a fee or due, but it is optional to join.

The ACA is maintaining public spaces, responding to community concerns and requests, and is representing the community at the local and state level in a limited capacity.

Bylaws are the governing rules by which a corporation or organization operate. The ACA bylaws (updated 11/2022) define ACA authority and purpose, membership, roles and responsibilities of the ACA Board, and meeting requirements.

The ACA does not have any enforcement power against any Archdale resident however, will provide a list of the agencies that might be able to address your concerns and when appropriate, may report any known code violations with evidence to the responsible agency.
As a concerned resident, it is often more effective to directly report
your concerns to the responsible agency,
as they are better equipped to
address your specific issues in the community. Providing them with detailed
information about your concern can facilitate prompt action and foster
accountability, ultimately leading to improvements in your area.

The ACA Board cannot decide to have Archdale annexed. That decision will be made by Archdale residents. The ACA has no current position on annexation because we have not been presented with the pros and cons, nor are we aware of any current action to attempt annexation.

See this Post & Courier article for more on this issue, including annexation rules.

Currently the ACA bylaws state that membership to the ACA is limited to property owners in the Archdale neighborhood. There is an interest in expanding ACA membership to any Archdale resident, despite property ownership because of the anticipated benefits of increased participation and community engagement. However, ACA bylaws must be amended and/or updated to reflect this change in membership requirements.

Membership dues are $50 for each calendar year (Jan – Dec). The earlier you pay, the more benefits you gain.

Membership contributions are used for i.e.

  1. Mowing and Landscaping.

  2. Historic Archdale Hall stewardship (located on Mansfield Blvd),  its upkeep and beautification for public enjoyment (weed control, brush removal, benches, etc).

  3. Litter pickup equipment and supplies needed for disposal, volunteer’s safety and transportation.

  4. Street and Archdale boulevard signage maintenance, replacement, repairs for i.e. Entrance Monument, Reader board.

  5. Electricity bills for Entrance monument illumination.

  6. Equipment and administrative supplies for meetings, correspondence and mailings (printer, laptop, etc), records management and storage.

  7. P.O. Box rental fee.

  8. ‘OurArchdale.com” website.

  9. Free online membership payment option.

  10. Taxes and legal documentation fees for non-profit filings, audits, and insurance.

  11. Special initiatives and Annual events authorized/voted by ACA members during General Meetings.

  12. Development and launch of landscape plans for green-spaces in the neighborhood.

Membership allows you the right to vote in ACA business including elections, initiatives, and spending.
Membership allows access to the ACA Facebook group.
Membership supports efforts to improve your community.

To become a member of the ACA, you must be listed as a property owner in Archdale. Membership dues are $50 annually/calendar year.
These dues can be submitted to the ACA via mail, possibly be handed over in person to a board member, or submit them electronically here.

All interested residents can

  • access information and resources from the “OurArchdale” website – made possible by  ACA members,
  • participate in the broader ARCHDALE on the Ashley Neighbor(ly)hood or “Archdale Community” Facebook group,
  • subscribe to our digital mailing list,
  • participate in community events,
  • volunteer for community projects,
  • attend ACA meetings however have no voting rights.

Visit the “Connect” page for more on getting involved.

The ACA promotes the safety and well-being of Archdale residents through the following actions:

  • Regular reporting of safety hazards including damaged safety signs, blocked storm drains, road hazards, and tree hazards.
  • Upkeep of the purchased Street Signs, leading to improved community safety with reflective, readable, and compliant signage throughout the neighborhood.
  • Supporting and assisting in the Neighborhood Watch program reinstatement.
  • Providing improved communications on county contacts and resources through our community website.
  • Responding to individual complaints and concerns as appropriate.