Reporting Issues to Dorchester County, SCDOT, SCHP, and SLED
The Archdale Civic Association does not have enforcement power for neighborhood covenants and restrictions.
While the ACA can assist in elevating neighborhood concerns, the ACA encourages individual residents to report issues directly to the county or other agencies.
Below are Dorchester County agency, SCDOT, SCHP, and SLED contacts, and some FAQs related to reporting and response.
- Department: Animal Control
- Phone: 843-832-0015
- Email:
- More Information:
Dorchester County has two (2) Codes Enforcement Officers assigned as Environmental Services Officers. These officers are responsible for conducting investigations involving unmaintained premises, including vacant lots or land, upon which any condition exists which constitutes a nuisance, health, or safety hazard and enforcing Dorchester County Ordinances
And the enforcement of Dorchester County Ordinances as they relate to an abandoned motor vehicle on any public street or public grounds or upon any privately owned property which is exposed to public view.
No person controlling privately owned property shall permit any abandoned or unsafe vehicle to remain thereupon.
A vehicle is determined to have been abandoned if the vehicle:
- Fails to display a current license plate within 90 days after the plates expiration date
- Is partially dismantled or wrecked or incapable of self-propulsion
- Is being moved in the manner for which it was originally intended and remains in such condition for a period of 60 days or more
- Department: Code Enforcement
- Phone: 843-832-0013 / 843-832-0326
- Email:
More Information:
Parking of Commercial Vehicles – Dorchester County Zoning and Land Development Ordinance: see further below Dorchester County Zoning and Land Development, Ordinance 04-13 l ARTICLE X. SUPPLEMENTAL PROVISION :
- Department: Code Enforcement
- Phone: 843-832-0013 / 843-832-0326
- Email:
- Department: Code Building Department
- Phone: 843-832-0011 / 843-832-0129
- Email:
- More Information:
- Department: Environmental Services
- Phone: 843-832-0072
- Email: n/a
- More Information:
Public Notice
Ground spraying will take place between the hours of 9:00 PM – 5:00 AM, Monday-Friday, excluding holidays. Residents are encouraged to locate their zone and review the bi-weekly spray schedule (schedule is updated every two weeks while spraying is ongoing). Residents may also request ground spraying via the online request form.
Dorchester County has developed a Mosquito Abatement Map that subdivides the County into fifty (50) spray zones.
Each zone has its own map printed with detailed street information. The County may amend the boundary of these zones from time to time to provide for more efficient mosquito abatement spraying.
Locate your zone (Archdale is Z48)
- Mosquito Abate Zones:
- Department: Mosquito Control
- Phone: 843-832-0080
- Email:
- More Information:
- Department: Public Works
- Phone: 843-832-0070
- Email:
- More Information:
- Department: Garbage and Recycling
- Phone: 843-832-0074
- Email:
- More Information:
- Department: Water & Sewer
- Phone: 843-832-0075
- Email:
- More Information:
Sec. 28-2. – Unreasonably loud noise prohibited.
(a) It shall be unlawful for any person to create or allow to continue any unreasonably loud or disturbing, noise within the county. Noise of such a character, intensity or duration as to be detrimental to the life or health of any individual, or of physical discomfort to a person of ordinary sensibilities, or disturbing of the public peace and welfare is strictly prohibited.
(b) The term “person” shall extend and be applied to and shall include associations, businesses, clubs, societies, firms, partnerships, and corporations, as well as to individuals.
(c) Any person found to be in violation of this section shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor.
(Ord. No. 90-16, 4-2-1990)
To report a noise violation, contact the Dorchester County Sheriff’s Office (843) 832-0300
Dorchester County Zoning and Land Development, Ordinance 04-13
Commercial Vehicles, (Section 10.6)
It is further provided that this prohibition shall not apply to lots larger than two acres provided adequate screening of such alleged prohibited conduct is undertaken.
1. Auditor’s Office
The Auditor’s Office is responsible for creating and adjusting the business personal property tax bills collected by the Treasurer’s Office. This office also issues vehicle tax bills.
Phone: 843-832-0118
2. Building Services (Codes and Inspections Division)
Building Services is responsible for reviewing plans, issuing permits, inspecting structures to ensure compliance with all residential and commercial codes, issuing manufactured housing permits, and enforcing code compliance for unsafe residential and commercial structures.
Phone: 843-832-0011
3. Business Services
The Business Services Department is the County’s “one stop shop” for businesses. This department issues business licenses and enforces the County’s Hospitality Taxes.
Phone: 843-563-0018
4. Fire Marshal’s Office
The Fire Marshal’s Office reviews construction documents and conducts fire and life safety inspections of new and existing businesses in the unincorporated areas of Dorchester County to ensure compliance with governing building and fire codes for their respective occupancies.
Phone: 843-832-0214
5. Planning and Zoning Department
This department facilitates the County’s public planning process. Their goal is to incorporate best practices, balancing environmental and economic concerns, in Countyland use regulations. This department includes professionals in flood management, addressing, zoning, site plan review, neighborhood improvement, comprehensive planning and Geographic Information Systems. It is critical to check with these divisions prior to making a decision regarding the location of a business to ensure the use is allowed and to determine if site plans will be required.
Phone: 843-832-0020
6. Sheriff’s Office
The Sheriff’s Office is responsible for ensuring public safety for the County. “It is [their] mission, as trusted public servants, to prevent crime and the fear of crime by providing excellence in law enforcement services, accountability and connections with our communities.” This department collaborates with the community using Community Policing strategies and problem-solving techniques, supported by aggressive enforcement of Federal, State and Local Laws.
Phone: 843-832-0300
7. Treasurer’s Office
The Treasurer’s Office is responsible for the collection of real estate property taxes, vehicle taxes, business personal property taxes, and other taxes. This office also maintains County bank accounts, investment of funds and certain disbursements. This office does not create or adjust bills (Auditor’s Office) or calculate a property’s taxable value (Assessor’s Office).
Phone: 843-832-0165
8. Assessor’s Office
The Assessor’s Office is responsible for the assignment of values to all real estate properties such as mobile homes, not the tax amounts. This office also maintains GIS information on properties located in Dorchester County.
Phone: 843-832-0162
- Dorchester County maintains ditches and storm drain systems that have flow issues. Ditches are inspected for debris blockages and structural problems. Ditches are only cut to ensure the proper flow of water and not for aesthetics.
FYI: Sawpit Creek is under the jurisdiction of the Army Corp of Engineers.
- Maintenance of ditches for aesthetics and/or trash is the responsibility of the property owners/residents in the neighborhood.
Report concerns to Code Enforcement. Contact information above.
Phone in your report to the Public Works front desk so a work order can be generated.
Phone in your report to the Public Works front desk so a work order can be generated. Report the sign needed and the intersection.
Contact Information: Summerville Office & Mailing Address: 212 Deming Way, Summerville, SC 29483; (843) 832-0300
Administrative Office Hours: 8:30 AM – 5:00 PM Monday – Friday Excluding Holidays
Public Works makes their own signs, but not in mass quantities. Archdale can provide their own poles and signs and Public Works would attach their traffic control signs as needed.
**The ACA and its members replaced all of our signs in Archdale 1Q/2023.**
Archdale is zoned as “R2- Single Family Residential” in unincorporated Dorchester County. It is very important to know exactly where your property – or projects or contracts – are located.
Dorchester County allows certain types of businesses to operate within residences. However, certain conditions must be met before such a business is permitted to operate.
Businesses should be aware that, while “Dorchester County” includes the municipalities of Summerville, North Charleston, St. George, Ridgeville, Harleyville and Reevesville, the government of Dorchester County, in most but not all cases, regulates businesses only in the unincorporated areas of Dorchester County – those areas not inside a city or town limits.
2) No person not a resident on the premises may be employed to assist in the operation of this home business.
3) The exterior of the dwelling may not be altered in any way including no signage, no displays, no equipment and no storage of any type is allowed in the yard or exterior of the dwelling.
4) There can be no impact on the neighborhood including no vehicles, no increase in noise, traffic or visual pollution. No customers / clients are permitted physical access to the home business.
5) No major mechanical equipment shall be installed or used for domestic or professional purposes.
6) The home business cannot exceed twenty-five percent (25%) of the total heated and cooled floor space of the dwelling.
7) A County Business License is required.
Other Requirements (page 13)
1. Business licenses are required for businesses doing business in the unincorporated areas of the County, for the current year and the three prior years, or when the business opened, whichever is later, with penalties at 5% per month. The deadline to obtain a current business license without penalty is April 30th. (Schools, however, are exempt.)
2. Independent contractors are required to obtain their own business license. Please verify that any independent contractors have their own business license.
Government » Planning & Development/ Maps / GIS
The Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Department offers spatial data services through an array of systems, providing access to a wide variety of geographically referenced information.
The purpose of the GIS Division is to define, design and deliver an organized, shared geospatial-centric information infrastructure that enables our county to manage data and resources using a cost effective county wide enterprise approach.
Your Complete Resource for South Carolina’s Transportation System @
File a Damage Claim:
ATTN: Customer Service Center, 955 Park Street, Columbia, SC 29201
- Contact our Customer Service Center toll free at 855-GO-SCDOT (855-467-2368) or 803-737-1200
- Email:
More Information:
Maintenance Work Request
** Dial 911 if you have an emergency. **
Submitting a work request involves 4 steps:
- Identify work location on the map
- Tell us about the work
- Input/confirm contact information
- Submit
More Information:
- 511: View traffic cameras and get up to date traffic information with our 511 site.
- Road Conditions: Our road conditions application shows construction, maintenance, and emergency conditions.
- Load Restricted Bridges: View an interactive map of load restricted bridges in SC.¢er=33.80857809211902,-80.95823128999999
- Evacuation Routes: Review Evacuation Routes using our mapping application.
- SCDOT Evacuation Routes:
- SCDOT Evacuation Routes:
More Information:
Emergency Response Procedures:
SCDOT personnel respond to numerous emergency situations like these per year:
- Localized events like providing traffic control for securing a perimeter for safety purposes, i.e. hazardous chemical leak, fires (Graniteville Train Crash or Great Falls Mill Fire)
- Regional events such as working to protect/repair roadways during and after flooding events that affect a number of counties
- Statewide events such as hurricane evacuation or snow and ice weather events
If you need to report an emergency situation:
During normal work hours of 8:30 AM to 5 PM, Monday through Friday, contact the SCDOT Customer Service Center at 1-855-GO-SCDOT (1-855-467-2368) or the telephone number for the local office in your county may be found on our Engineering Directory Page (
Dorchester County:
District 6: Administrator – Tim Henderson, Phone (843) 740-1665
- Maintenance:
- Phone: (843) 563-3451;
- Address: 5225 East Jim Bilton Boulevard, St. George, SC 29477
- Construction:
- Phone:(843) 873-5763;
- Address: 107 West 6th North Street, Suite 206, Summerville, SC 29483
- Maintenance:
During after hours or holidays, contact your local law enforcement office and report the emergency. The local law enforcement will make contact with SCDOT to address the issue
SCDOT State Highway Emergency Program (SHEP):
Assisting motorists whose vehicles are experiencing mechanical problems and providing support and assistance to emergency response teams during incidents.
For SHEP assistance call *HP (*47)
Coastal Evacuation Routes:
- State Maps, Directions, & Reversal
- City Details:
- Neighboring State Evacuation Routes
More Information:
Pursuant to the S. C. Freedom of Information Act (“FOIA”) any person has the right to inspect or copy the public records of SCDOT unless the records are exempt from disclosure by Section 30-4-40, S.C. Code of Laws, 1976, as amended.
For a complete copy of FOIA, see
You may request copies of SCDOT public records by sending a request to SCDOT’s FOIA Officer at
Please be as specific as possible in describing the documents you are requesting.
If you have questions, please contact SCDOT’s FOIA Officer, Ms. Shirley Anderson at 803-737-0997.
Related Documents
- More Information:
The South Carolina Highway Patrol (SCHP) provides equitable service and protection, and upholds the laws of the constitutions of the United States and the State of South Carolina in order to promote a safe and secure environment for the public.
he personnel of the South Carolina State Highway Patrol recognize that to achieve our mission, policies and programs must be developed that allow us to:
- Serve the public in a dedicated, honest, reasonable, and professional manner.
- Assist, direct, educate, and counsel the public in matters consistent with our mission.
- Reduce the number and severity of traffic collisions through the diligent enforcement of all traffic laws and promotion of traffic safety.
- Cooperate and communicate with other law enforcement agencies in our common objectives.
- Respond to emergencies and disasters with all available resources.
- Be accountable and manage all allocated resources effectively and efficiently.
Contact Information
Street Address:
10311 Wilson Blvd.
Blythewood, SC 29016
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 1993
Blythewood, SC 29016
SCDPS Contact Numbers
Highway Patrol Telecommunications
(803) 896-9621
South Carolina Highway Patrol
(803) 896-7920
State Transport Police
(803) 896-5500
Bureau of Protective Services
(803) 896-5442
Director’s Office
(803) 896-7979
Office of Executive Affairs (Contact for General inquiries from the public)
(803) 896-8409
Office of Public Affairs (For Media Inquiries Related to SCDPS)
(803) 896-8747
Office of Professional Responsibility
(803) 896-8240
Office of Highway Safety & Justice Programs
(803) 896-9950
Office of Human Resources
(803) 896-0274
Office of General Counsel
(803) 896-7882
Office of Information Technology
(803) 896-8001
More Information:
Troop Six (Counties: Beaufort, Berkeley, Charleston, Colleton, Dorchester, Jasper)
For service of process, including but not limited to discovery, Rule 5 and Brady Motions, please serve the Trooper as shown on the Uniform Traffic Ticket at the appropriate Troop office.
See Troop Contact Information below:
- Post B (Colleton, Dorchester)
Post B Headquarters (Colleton Patrol Office)
100 Mable T. Willis Blvd
Walterboro, SC 29485
Telephone: 843-538-3129
Fax: 843-538-7608
You may be visiting the State of South Carolina on vacation, coming here for business or maybe you just got your driver’s license. This link will help you stay informed about what you need to know about Driving In South Carolina.
Rachel Urconis
Office: (803) 896-9402
Cell: (803) 381-8491
Traffic Information
Call *HP or 911 to Report a collision
A distraction is anything that takes your attention away from driving. Distracted driving can cause collisions, resulting in injury, death, or property damage. Taking your eyes off the road or hands off the steering wheel presents obvious driving risks. Mental activities that take your mind away from driving are just as dangerous.
When driving:
- It is unlawful for a person to use a wireless electronic communication device to compose, send, or read a text-based communication while operating a motor vehicle on the public streets and highways of this State. SC Code Section 56-5-3890.
- Avoid arguments and stressful or emotional conversations with passengers.
- Avoid eating while driving.
- Be sure children are properly and safely buckled up.
- Properly secure pets in a pet carrier or portable kennel.
You must pay attention to the task of driving. You are responsible for operating your vehicle in a safe manner.
For more information, visit
If a disabled vehicle or a vehicle involved in an accident resulting only in damage to a vehicle is obstructing traffic, the driver of the vehicle shall make every reasonable effort to move any vehicle that is capable of being driven safely off the roadway as defined by Section 56-5-460 so as not to block the flow of traffic. The driver or any other person who has moved a motor vehicle to facilitate the flow of traffic as provided in this subsection before the arrival of a law enforcement officer shall not be considered liable or at fault regarding the cause of the accident solely by reason of moving the vehicle pursuant to this section.
Vulnerable Roadway Users
Bicyclists, pedestrians and operators of golf carts and mopeds are also known as vulnerable roadway users because they are just that. As a motorist, you must be on the lookout for individuals who may not be in a commercial or passenger vehicle. Review the links below for information and laws specific to other types of roadway users.
S.C. Freedom of Information ActS.C. Code 30-4-10 through 30-4-165
It is the policy of SCDPS to provide the public access to its public records and documents in an accurate, timely and professional manner. (DPS Policy 199)
*In accordance with the South Carolina Family Privacy Protection Act, S.C. Code 30-2-10 et. seq., the information provided must not be used to contact any person directly for the purpose of commercial solicitation.
How to Make a FOIA Request
Please state that the information you are seeking is requested under the South Carolina Freedom of Information Act. Be as specific as possible about what you are requesting.
All requests for information under the Freedom of Information Act for documents should be submitted through the online portal at: FOIA Request Form
(If you experience issues submitting your FOIA request through the form, please email FOIA at the email below).
Courtney Wiles
FOIA Manager
SC Department of Public Safety
PO Box 1993
Blythewood, SC 29016
PHONE: (803) 896-7759
Fees for Requested Documents
Document Fees
Dispatch Logs: $28
(Includes up to 1 hr. Search, Retrieval, Redaction fee)
Dispatch Tapes: $28
(Includes up to 1 hr. Search, Retrieval, Redaction fee)
Fatality Packet: $20
Photographs (non-MAIT): $20 per incident
STP Materials: $5 per inspection report
Videos (non-MAIT): $15 per disc
Other Documents: $0.25 per page
Search, Retrieval and Redaction: Minimum rate of $21.97/hr.
(The fee for the search, retrieval, or redaction of records will be based on the prorated hourly salary of the lowest paid employee who has the necessary skill and training to perform the request.)
MAIT Materials: $100/item
May include reports, diagrams, video, audio, mapping, photographs
Collision Experience Study (CES):
A CES provides a document containing various statistical summary tables (see example document). The three types of CES’s are given below along with their fees.
- Route Number ($50) – This involves a single route number (not route name) within a county. If one is interested in statistics for a specific route name, a custom CES may be required since route names sometimes change along the same route number.
- Intersection ($50) – This involves the intersection of two roadways and anything along the two intersecting roadways within a tenth of a mile from the center of the intersection.
- Custom (fee depends on complexity) – This involves cases that do not meet the requirements of 1 and 2 above (e.g., complex intersections with more than two roadways, route name requests, geographic boundary requests, etc.). See the Statistical Analysis and Research Section Manager for fee determination in these complex cases.
Traffic Collision Data:
Traffic collision data is provided in two spreadsheets containing information at the unit and location level (see example spreadsheets). The fees for traffic collision data requests follow the same structure as detailed in the CES section above.
Note: Fees are subject to change. A deposit of 25% may be requested prior to production in accordance with S.C. Code § 30-4-30.
Payment Instructions
For all FOIA payments, you must send a check or money order, made out to the South Carolina Department of Public Safety, to the address below:
South Carolina Department of Public Safety
PO Box 1993
Blythewood, SC 29016
Updated December 13, 2023
SLED Mission Statement
The primary mission of the State Law Enforcement Division is to provide quality manpower and technical assistance to law enforcement agencies and to conduct investigations on behalf of the state as directed by the Governor and Attorney General.
Concealed Weapon Permit (CWP)
- SLED Sponsored Free CWP Courses
- Online SC CWP Steps
- CWP (New, Renewal, or Replacements) Process
- CWP Forms
- CWP Statistics
- CWP Instructor Listing
- CWP Instructor Section
- State Gun Laws
- Out of State CWP
- Privacy Act Statement
CWP Contacts
- Office: 803.896.7015
- Email:
CWP New, Renewal, or Replacements Online
The South Carolina Law Enforcement Division (SLED) implemented a new Concealed Weapon Permit (CWP) system on May 1st, 2018. SLED in partnership with IdentoGo by IDEMIA, has developed the SLED EasyPath system. This streamlined system allows SLED to process CWP’s as required by statute, while offering applicants a new online renewal process and adding a new online permit replacement feature as well.
In the next phase, SLED will implement a new online CWP registration and electronic fingerprinting capture system that will be available starting January 8th, 2019. This phase will allow applicants for a NEW SC CWP to begin the application online and set up an appointment at an available IdentoGo site. At the IdentoGo site they can submit their CWP application documentation and have their fingerprints taken and sent to SLED electronically. SLED will continue to process all submitted applications received from the IdentoGo appointments made online and any applications made by mail.
If you wish to continue to schedule your NEW CWP application onsite appointment, start an online permit renewal or replacement application, please click this link, but if you wish to submit a paper application and mail directly to SLED, please click here.
*** To change or cancel an existing appointment, please click here and select the section “To Look Up or Change an Existing Appointment” ***.
CWP New or Renewal by Mail
- Mark the box that applies to your situation (Disabled Veteran, Retired/Former Military, Active Military, Retired Law Enforcement, or Active Law Enforcement).
- For a new application, enter new in the Applicant Type space and leave the CWP number space blank.
- If renewing, enter Renewal in Applicant Type space and write your CWP number in the space provided.
- Fill in your full name (Last name, first name, middle name, suffix).
- Fill in your residential address (where you live currently).
- Fill in your mailing address (where you would like your permit mailed once ready).
- Fill in your social security number, driver license number and your alien number (if you have one).
- Fill in your date and place of birth in the space provided (state is fine).
- Fill in your race, sex, height (ex: 6’2″), weight, eye color, and hair color.
- Fill in your home phone, business phone, cell phone, and email (not all are needed to process your application.
- If you are a new CWP applicant, you will need to submit all of the proper documentation along with your application. Please see the FAQs for any questions concerning the proper documents that are needed.
- If you are a new CWP applicant, we will need (2) completed and signed fingerprint cards submitted along with your application.
- If you are filling out a renewal application, you DO NOT have to submit any fingerprint cards.
- If you are filling out a renewal application, you DO NOT have to fill in your training date, instructor cert. number, or student number as it is NOT needed to complete your renewal application.
- If you are filling out a renewal application, you DO NOT need to have an instructor signature or date (as you are just renewing your permit).
- 14. Check the appropriate boxes indicating South Carolina residence status, required training completion, and federal applicable question(s).
- 15. Sign and date your new and/or renewal application at the bottom of the application in the space provided.
- Make certain to also provide a copy of your current South Carolina driver license (making certain that it is current & the address that you have listed on the application you filled out matches such).
- If you are a Disabled Veteran, or Retired Law Enforcement you must provide documentation proving such status.
- Please mail your renewal to the address provided below, and mark it as noted:
SC Law Enforcement Division (SLED)
Attention CWP Renewal PO Box 21398 Columbia, SC 29221 - The link for the CWP paper new and renewal application is
CWP Forms
- CWP Application form:
- Replacement CWP form:
State Gun Laws
Chapter 31, Title 23, S.C. Code of Laws

Please note the above image is not sized in accordance with statutory requirements and should be used as visual representation only. These images are not suitable for printing or use as actual signage. Please review Section 23-31-235 of the S.C. Code of Laws for sign requirements.
Does My Out of State CWP Authorize Me to Carry in South Carolina?
This section is currently being revised due to the new H. 3594 – Constitutional Carry Law.
The S.C. Law Enforcement Division complies with requirements of the S.C. Freedom of Information Act. Under provisions of the FOIA, SLED has 10 business days (or 20 business days for requests for records over two years old) in which to inform you of the availability of non-exempt publicly available documents specific to your request and to arrange a mutually suitable date and time for document review and/or providing publicly available documents.
SLED follows the definitions, procedures, and exemptions listed in the FOIA which can be found at South Carolina FOIA. Additionally, there may be other state and federal restrictions which may apply to records requested from SLED. We abide by all laws and regulations protective of certain information.
In accordance with the S.C. Family Privacy Protection Act, S.C. Code 30-2-10 et. seq., the information provided must not be used to contact any person directly for the purpose of commercial solicitation.
When making a request for publicly available documents, please state that the document you are seeking is being requested under provisions of the S.C. Freedom of Information Act. Be as specific as possible about the information being sought.
- Email:
- Mail:
Freedom of Information Office
P.O. Box 21398
Columbia, S.C. 29221
SLED charges reasonable costs for providing documents. Fees will be assessed uniformly. Any reduction or waiver in fees must be approved in advance by the Chief of SLED or the Freedom of Information Coordinator. A deposit of up to 25 percent of the anticipated cost may be assessed prior to processing a request.
- Scanning/Redaction Fee……………$20 per hour
- Archival Retrieval Fee……………$25 per box
- CD/DVD Fee………………………$5 per disk
Printed Copies…………………..$0.15 per page